Two Rabbits

Gareth Boot - "Be A Better YOU"
1 min readJun 24, 2020


Confucius says, “The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither.”

Have you ever tried to catch a rabbit?

Well, I have had a rabbit as a pet and I can tell you, those furry little critters are not for being caught easily.

Imagine trying to catch two rabbits at once?


So what is Confucius referring to?

It’s about focus and tenacity on a significant, important but singular task.

This is a focus on chasing one rabbit.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with too many important jobs to do and you are not accomplishing any of them, you might be attempting the impossible task of chasing three, maybe even four rabbits at one time.

The secret is to pick one rabbit and get really focused and driven by catching it.

It matters less which one you choose — what matters is that you stop trying to chase more than one at a time.

Try it.

Once you catch that first rabbit, you are so energized to grab that second rabbit, he won’t stand a chance!

Take Care


Originally published at on June 24, 2020.



Gareth Boot - "Be A Better YOU"
Gareth Boot - "Be A Better YOU"

Written by Gareth Boot - "Be A Better YOU"

Mindset Coach | Creator of The CARE System® Unlock your true potential and "Be A Better YOU."

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