Habit #6 Taking Action

Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU
2 min readSep 22, 2023

You can have crystal clear goals, a fantastic plan to achieve them and loads of motivation, but without taking action, all that is useless.

Taking action, that’s where the real magic happens. It’s like the secret sauce for turning dreams into reality.

Think about it: no matter how brilliant an idea is, it’s just an idea until you roll up your sleeves and get moving. Action transforms potential into progress and sets the wheels in motion for change.

One massive perk of taking action is that it demolishes your comfort zone. While staying in our cosy little bubble feels safe, it also keeps us stagnant. When you step out and take action, you embrace growth and learning. You may stumble along the way, but those stumbles are the stepping stones to success. Trust me, those who dare to act often find themselves on incredible journeys of self-discovery and achievement.

Another thing about action is that it gets results. It’s the difference between wishing for a healthier lifestyle and actually hitting the gym or choosing a salad over fries. It’s about making that phone call, sending that email, or pursuing that passion project.

Action is the driving force behind turning aspirations into achievements. Remember, every big achievement starts with a small step.

Lastly, taking action inspires others. When people see you putting your plans into motion, it sparks motivation in them too. Your actions can create a ripple effect of positivity and progress.

It’s easy to fall into the habit of putting things off, but taking action will smash your procrastination, something your future self will thank you for.

A simple way to develop this habit is to make a pact with yourself that if a task takes less than 5 minutes to do, you will just do it. No questions, no procrastination, no doing it later. Just do it.

When you have nailed the 5-minute tasks, move it up to 10 minutes and keep going, and pretty soon, it will become a habit, and you will be an action-taking machine.

So whether it’s your personal life, your career, or a cause you’re passionate about, don’t underestimate the power of taking action.

Come back tomorrow for Habit #7

Take Care


Originally published at https://garethboot.com on September 22, 2023.



Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU

Mindset & Wellness Coach based in the North of England - I help individuals and Businesses become the best version of themselves they can be. www.garethboot.com