Habit #12 Attitude Of Gratitude

Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU
2 min readSep 28, 2023

Developing the habit of having an attitude of gratitude is like a daily dose of sunshine for your soul. It’s a simple practice that can reshape your perspective and bring positivity into your life in remarkable ways.

Firstly, gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. In our often consumer-driven world, dwelling on what’s missing is easy. Gratitude redirects your attention to the abundance surrounding you, even in the smallest things. It’s about appreciating the simple joys of life, from a warm cup of tea in the morning to the support of loved ones. This shift in perspective fosters contentment and reduces the constant craving for more.

Secondly, an attitude of gratitude amplifies your sense of happiness and wellness. Regularly acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of your life triggers the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters enhance your mood and overall mental health. Gratitude acts as a natural antidote to stress and can help combat feelings of anxiety and depression.

Gratitude also strengthens your relationships and sense of connection. When you express appreciation to others, it fosters a deeper bond and encourages them to do the same. People tend to be drawn to those who acknowledge and value their contributions. In cultivating a habit of gratitude, you create a cycle of positivity that ripples out to benefit both you and those around you.

Developing a habit of having an attitude of gratitude will open the door to a more fulfilling and contented life. It reframes your perspective, boosts your happiness, and enriches your relationships. So, take a moment each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, and watch how this simple practice can transform your outlook on life.

Take Care


Originally published at https://garethboot.com on September 28, 2023.



Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU

Mindset & Wellness Coach based in the North of England - I help individuals and Businesses become the best version of themselves they can be. www.garethboot.com