Every day

Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU
3 min readDec 31, 2023

As I write this blog, we have little less than 12 hours left in 2023, and social media is already filling up with people’s “New Year, new me” posts and how 2024 will be “the year.”

With a list of goals and a boatload of enthusiasm, people will roll into the New Year, ready to get after it. Sadly, most of those goals will not see the end of February. They will go all in for a couple of weeks and then run out of steam and give up because they tried to do too much too soon.

What you achieve in the coming 12 months will have little to do with some big action taken now and again; it will come from the small stuff you do regularly.

So, if you want to avoid being one of those who quit on their goals before Valentine’s Day, let me offer my two penn’orth.

Break your goals down into small actions you are willing to and capable of doing every day.

Little things add up, and at times, we can forget this. So, to highlight my point, I have four examples to share with you:-

Walking for 40 minutes a day would cover over 1000 miles in 2024. That is the equivalent of Wakefield to Disneyland Paris and back.

If you wrote 200 words every day in 2024 (that took me 5 mins, and I am not a quick typer), you would have written over 70,000 words, and that’s a novel. Maybe you could have the next Harry Potter in you?

Eating 200 fewer calories a day (that’s a KitKat chunky), and in 365 days, you would lose no far short of 2 stone. For someone who has struggled to lose weight, that would be a hell of a difference; think how great you would look and feel.

And if you are a takeaway coffee kind of person. Dropping the daily Latte from Starbucks would allow you to have over £1000 quid extra in your pocket. With a grand, you could buy a barista-quality machine and make your own.

I could go on and on, but hopefully, you get the point.

Whatever goals you set for 2024, remember that little and often will get you further than you might realise. Break your goals down into small daily actions. After a few weeks, these actions will become habits you will have no problem doing every day of the year, just like brushing your teeth.

And in case anyone reading this thinks every day is too much, then look at your goals; if they don’t have you willing to work on them every day, they are not the right goals.

So make yourself a great 2024 and enjoy seeing in the New Year. I am off for a coffee and a KitKat.

Take Care


Originally published at https://garethboot.com on December 31, 2023.



Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU

Mindset & Wellness Coach based in the North of England - I help individuals and Businesses become the best version of themselves they can be. www.garethboot.com