Be spicy

Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU
2 min readApr 15, 2024

I have just returned from a trip to the local Asian supermarket to stock up on spices for my spice cupboard. We use a lot of spices in this house, and for a good reason: I love my food to have flavour.

Bland food, like bland sex, is something I am unwilling to put up with. If it’s not bursting with flavour, I’m not having it!

My taste in food is matched by my taste in people. I like them to have a bit of an edge, to be mavericks with little care for the rules, to be people who have been through some stuff but got up, brushed themselves down, flicked two fingers at their circumstances, and kept moving forward giving zero fucks. I love spicy people. As our world becomes more woke, these special people are getting harder to find, but I am lucky to know a few, and they add to my experience of this game we call life.

We were all born with our unique blend of character traits and personality quirks. As we go through life, we mix that with the stuff we go through, creating our unique seasoning, our spice. But the minute we dampen that spice down, we live a life less than we are capable of, a boring flatline life, and that is no life at all.

So, if you want to live a more exciting, fulfilling, joy-filled life, be unapologetically yourself, ditch the bland people and spend more time with the spicy ones. Your life will be infinitely better for it.

Take Care


Originally published at on April 15, 2024.



Gareth Boot | Be A Better YOU

Mindset & Wellness Coach based in the North of England - I help individuals and Businesses become the best version of themselves they can be.